Friday, October 15, 2010


Patriotism is your love for country. If you love your country you are a patriot. Also patriotism is the willingness to fight for your country. If you are in the military you are a big patriot you love your country and are willing to put your life on the line. Patriotism is found in small and big things from saying the pledge of allegiance to throwing your life on the line for your country. These are all acts of patriotism. America is the country with the most patriotism and the reason is this country is worth putting your life on the line for.


  1. i think you did a very good job

  2. Gabe are you willing to save our country and at the same time you get killed? are you willing to catch a man that is comiting suicide? because if you say you would do that, then you are truly patriotic

  3. Nice work but I found one error. In the third sentence you said "willing o put your life on the line." and I think that you meant to say "to" rather than "o".

  4. I saw a like the t in to. But other than that its good. Next time you might want to read it over, just to make sure that you did'nt have any.

  5. Nice story I see you fixed the error every one is talking about
