Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The nightmare

As you walk down your porch on to the ground when you look around it is a nice sunny day. Kids are playing birds are chirping you close your eyes and try to take all this in. It is so beautiful it is a perfect day. You lay down on the grass with your eye closed and just listen to the happiness around you and the beauty of everything. Then as you lay there so happily you hear a yelp you sit up open your eyes. You run around the corner of your house you see you dog dead on the ground as you bend down and start weeping. Then above you dark clouds swirl around you it starts to rain. You here thunder, lighting, and the rain gets harder and harder. You can't bare the sadness of the death of your dog. As you sit there kneeling on the ground then you hear a death written scream it was so terrifying that you woke up. As you jump up looking around the room your heart pounding. You realize that it was just a dream you lay back down and go back to sleep.

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