Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lightning thief book is better than the movie.

The book Lighting Thief by Pick Riordan was made in to a movie in late 2009 early 2010. The movie was nothing like the book. The book was more detailed and better story line well the movie only had the visuals. The book explained more how the lighting bolt was stolen and the stories line. The movie should some of it but missed out some key battles.
One of the key battle that they missed was the battle of Ares and Percy. It shows why the hatred between Percy and Ares . In the movie they don't really even show Ares at all. In many of the books Ares tries to get his revenge the movie is going to have trouble showing that with out this main battle. The does have a battle that the book doesn’t the hydra battle. That was never in the book had that but the battle wasn't that significant. In the book Percy is almost killed in the end by scorpions that were summoned.
The book has a better story line and more action. The movie has some interesting battles but the movie doesn't have the story line of the book and the action. The movie is missing some of the main battles that will be brought back later in the series. Mainly the Ares but there are other parts in the book that aren't in the movie. The movie is goo but the book is way better.

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